Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Book challange time.

This comes from the pages of the book I am currently reading and I am almost finished with it.

At that young age he consoled his mother, saying, "Don't worry , mom. When I grow up, I'm going to work really hard and I'm going to be a success. I'm going to be a millionaire and I'm going to own a plantation and a yacht." Given their circumstances at the time these were very lofty goals, but by the time he shared this story with me he had achieved all three.

The book is "Call Me Ted" and it is the autobiography of Ted Turner. What a great book. As some of you may know I am not a big reader, but when I do read I go for biographies every time. I prefer to read about real people who have been successful or have made a big mark on history so I can try to see what these people all have in common. This book confirmed something I already knew. Most successful people accomplish great things by treating every decision equally. Ted Turner put the same amount of thought into what color to paint his office as he did deciding weather to borrow six billion dollars to buy a business he wanted. Just do it an move on.

Enough about that, it's Christmas week!!!!!!!!!! (I got that little move from you know who) I am super stinkin excited (got that one from Katie) for all of us to be together and for the chance to finally meet Mrs. Maddy. Cris and April are coming this weekend and we are looking forward to seeing them and Shiloh again. Since their last visit at Thanksgiving I went all out and put a sink in the hall bathroom so we now have completed the indoor plumbing upgrade. If you were not at my house for Thanksgiving I will explain that at Christmas.

I don't have much new to add, but I wanted to take up the book challenge while I was thinking about it. See you all very soon.

Monday, December 1, 2008

What am I thankful for?

I read Peg's blog and as it turns out I was already contemplating a blog on this exact subject. As some of you may know the week leading up to Thanksgiving was to say the least not a good one for me, and I was working hard to muster up some sort of holiday spirit going into the big day. I won't go into all the details but I'll say that work is not going that great, my bathroom remodel had taken way too long to complete and to top it off I rear ended someone on the way home from work on Tuesday.(detail to follow in another blog)
So the first thing to happen that started turning the tide to a happier note was on Wednesday when I got a call from Chris asking if he and April (and Shiloh) could join the crowd at my house on Thanksgiving Day. Not only was it OK, but it was great to see him and April again. They even spent a few day with us and we had a good visit.
As for turkey day, I guess that's when I started get the holiday spirit in full swing. As I looked around the house at all fourteen of us I realized that the thing I am most thankful for is family. It's real easy to take your family for granite, but when you are surrounded by the people that mean the most to you, all the other little things seem so small. My holiday spirit didn't get a jump start from Thanksgiving, but from the way I spent my Thanksgiving and with whom I spent it.
On Friday we all went to Mom & Dad's house and it was even more family, fun, and a few birthday's to celebrate and another good time was had by all. No detail's needed because I'm sure the event will be covered in many blog's to come from everyone in attendance, but if you've been to one Towhey birthday party you can probably picture the whole thing.
Today I'm back at work and all the problem of life are still here, but I am ready for all the challenges life has in store for me with a new outlook on life, and a much happier attitude. I guess to sum it up, I am grateful to be married to my best friend and for the two perfect children we have together and for all the other people that let us be part of their lives.