Monday, May 12, 2008

So Far So Good

I would have to say that so far everything seems to bo going along pretty well with the new blog. It will take some getting use to but it does work better than Yahoo. Not much is new in my part of the world but I guess I should talk about what's going on. The kids only have about a week of school left so you can imagin how excited they are. Hannah however is moving a little slow due to a sprained knee she got at school. It was a freak kick ball accident that has her in some pain. The doctor does not feel like it's anything serious so she just has to take it easy for a bout a week or so. As luck would have it, Sitting on a couch watching TV is kinda her thing so taking it easy has been no problem. Anyway, thats just about all for now. Hope you all keep bloggin.


JP2E said...

Glad the hit was not serious. She deserves an award for taking one for the team!
I have corrected my "permissions" to allow everyone to view, so try my site again...

Tom2e said...

Hi mike... I'm here now. I have sent you an e-mail inviting you to view my new blog. I didn't know about Jim's problem at the time. If you don't get it soon (already) send me an e-mail or call me, and I'll change the settings.


Big Jim said...

Good blog. Tell the girls that the end of school will be here too soon.

Kelly2eVega said...

How do I become your friend?

Kenny said...

Ok, I'm in. There goes the neighborhood, the Kensington people are here.